

PDQeX  核酸純化儀

MicroGEM’s automated solution for effortless DNA extraction.

Ideal for PCR, qPCR, STR, and Whole Genome Sequencing.

Optimized for lysis and purification for double-stranded sequencing; also produces high-quality single-stranded extractions.

Simplified workflow in a single closed-tube system to handle challenging samples such as plant and fungi.

Perfect for labs looking for fast, hands-free, programmable sample processing.

Produces DNA in less than 20 minutes.

MicroGEM’s PDQeX Nucleic Acid Extractor is the next generation of thermocyclers. It uses powerful enzyme-driven extraction reagents with an innovative extractor cartridge and purification matrix. Just add heat and the closed-tube system produces DNA extracts in significantly less time (minutes rather than hours) than other extraction methods.
MicroGEM's unique Extractor Cartridge simplifies RNA and DNA preparation.
  • PDQeX Extraction Reagents consist of a cocktail of thermophilic proteinase and mesophilic cell wall degrading enzymes that systematically lyse cells, destroy nucleases, digest proteins and release nucleic acids

MicroGEM’s innovative extractor cartridge leverages temperature to activate the enzyme and shrink the chamber, forcing extract through a heat-burstable valve and purification matrix.
  • PDQeX Extractor Cartridges, made from thermo-responsive polymers, pump extracted DNA through the purification medium while removing inhibitors

  • PDQeX Temperature-Controlled Extraction activates the proteinase and forces the extract through a heat-burstable valve and proprietary purification matrix, removing cell debris and inhibitors.

PDQeX Product Manual (pdf)

PDQeX Quick-Start Guide (8.5″x 11″ booklet pdf)

PDQeX Quick-Start Guide (A4 booklet pdf)

PDQeX Quick-Start Guide prepGEM Bacteria (pdf)

PDQeX Quick-Start Guide forensicGEM Sperm (pdf)


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